- In the city of BUKAVU, within the Democratic Republic of Congo, an unfortunate incident unfolded on the third day of September. Resulting from an unexpected attack, the lives of four individuals were tragically claimed. Among the deceased were two individuals of Chinese descent, along with a citizen hailing from Ghana. This distressing event occurred during an ambush that targeted a convoy belonging to a mining company operating in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Seeking to shed light on the matter, a regional administrator disclosed these distressing details on the subsequent day, which happened to fall on a Sunday.
- The identity of the perpetrator behind the assault on the four vehicles, occurring during their departure from the mining site owned by the TSM company in Fizi, South Kivu province, remained shrouded in ambiguity.
- “The reason for this incident is thought to be the suspicion that the delegation had a parcel of gold,” said local administrator Sammy Badibanga Kalonji by phone.
- He said the fourth victim was a Congolese soldier, while a further three people were seriously wounded.